
FAQs About Bunions

Let The Experts at DiFranco Family Foot Care Answer Your Erie, PA Bunion FAQs.

Dr. Joseph DiFranco of DiFranco Family Foot Care serves the region with quality foot care services. Bunions are a relatively common complaint and if you think you may have them, or if you have other concerns we will be happy to answer any questions you have about foot health.

Frequently Asked Questions About Bunions

  • What exactly is a bunion? The term bunion describes a swelling location on the outside of the big toe. It is specifically referring to swelling in the joints and/or bones in that area. Sometimes this swelling can be barely discernable, in other cases, it can affect how a shoe fits. 
  • Can I do anything to prevent or reduce my bunion myself? There are non-prescription bunion pads available at your local pharmacy that can be worn when you know you will be on your feet or doing an activity that aggravates your bunions. 
  • Do bunions hurt? Yes, they can. Once the bunion reaches the stage where you can easily see it, it is likely already causing the patient daily pain and pressure and pain, especially while standing. The pain may not be in the exact area of the swelling. Many reports that it starts in the big toe and radiates up through the foot. Some people have bunions and report little to no pain. 
  • What is the treatment for bunions? The first line of treatment will start with the least invasive measures to increase comfort, decrease pain, and even possible correction. If those measures do not work then bunion surgery may be needed to correct the swelling and offset and increase the patient's comfort. 

If you suffer from bunions in the Erie, PA area we will be happy to answer any further questions you may have. Do not fret about your foot care because Dr. Joseph DiFranco of DiFranco Family Foot Care is experienced in providing excellence in podiatric medicine.

Contact DiFranco Family Foot Care in Erie, PA at (814) 217-0618 if you are having any foot pain or concerns.

Located in the West Ridge Commons

Just East of Colonial Ave at 3939 W Ridge Rd

Business Office Hours

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7:30 am-4:30 pm


7:30 am-4:30 pm


7:30 am-4:30 pm


7:30 am-4:30 pm


By appointment only



